التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

The Persecution of Moroccan Berbers

Wow which gained him yet gained him she opening out the man having the living daylights beaten out of him he's a Berber a native of Morocco his assailant is an Arab his ancestors conquered the Berbers thirteen hundred years ago they're acting out an ancient conflict but there are those who'll tell you the argument between Berber and Arab has never changed .

In Morocco even the very name Berber is a controversial one for militants like Miriam the word Berber is a term that sums up the contemptuous treatment of her people by conquerors as far back as the Romans removal their music non parlo video de la folie if the Deaf Savannah's tamaki Andrew Judd raike Oklahoma you see on two TVs a coolie conceived Jesus from the Bell bell equal is an opportunist who formed the bar bar SAT mocking exists apart no not Rolando yeah noonim is a pro and missouri number .

So they're not Berbers there are Marzia and they make up at least 65% of the population yet the amaz ear learn Arabic at schools in which their language and their history is never mentioned and their King has Arab roots stretching back to the Prophet Mohammed they have a word for what's happening to them they are being Arab Ines who is it supports economy tones oh dear poor who could not belong there not opportunities Paris budget students of Terror Miriam wants to take us to Amaziah heartland to initial and the festival known as the Newsome day fiancé roughly translated the marriage market especially don't set pressure to our colony especially Amelia Bucky's here dr. Hutchins where your faith is amazing so sort of provoking peace existed sorry to boss but isolation has its price many Amasya live without running water or doctors or hospitals or even reliable roads is have our problem huddle I wear yellow how would people gather we don't hailer who take me we find the direct road through a mountain pass to e michelle has been washed out our driver hadoo reckons on at least a six-hour detour ran the mountains the extra hours mean we spend a night by the road it's a chance for Miriam to explain that while the initial marriage market has a long history she believes its nature is changing as the government turns it into a tourist event vamanos Connaughton de marzo city of Oscoda picks it organized e pally pally Sutter et Ossa mission por su de Monte C to Java route on T the next morning it's as if we've traveled back through centuries a landscape so rugged so isolated and inhospitable it's a wonder to me that people live here at all yet out of this apparent wasteland come the Amaziah people it's as if the whole countryside is on the move.

Whatever transport the Amaziah can find they use to make their way to the town of a Michelle it's a time when the normally shy and cloistered young amazi women find a measure of freedom unique in this part of the world under their family's watchful eyes they'll have a chance to roam and to meet and talk to potential husbands a Michelle the last great market before the onslaught of winter three days for scattered amaz ear tribes to meet before the snows set in over the centuries some things have changed a little the livestock market continues its age-old discussions haggling over camels and mules but there are some new faces now it's one of the few times of the year when Amazon villagers run across government officials and when the tribesman tell us about their problems such as drought and falling prices for camels we're interrupted give him his ideal day that's tribute okay doesn't industrial super sir I'd noticed him following us maybe it was the dark glasses that gave him away a government official keeping an eye on them and on us little demon Elmas on dual alhamdulillah ever the same in a road Misaki yata no hace nada this is the only time of year when government officials make their presence felt here the governor's arrival is intended as a symbol of a powerful but remote Arab dominated government in Rabat what was once simply an amaz ear event has been turned into something more a celebration of national Authority and in the process ordinary Amaziah find themselves increasingly excluded from their own festivities not only excluded but becoming objects of curiosity as the government with an eye to the tourist dollar gives free rein to a growing number of tourists and journalists we cannot invade the place and the local people who just you know perhaps may well want to just get on with their own mousse of and not have us around they're kind of a bit overwhelmed the increasing commercialization of the festival has been watched by British photographer Allen Keohane in the dozen years he's been coming here the government wants to have people nicely dressed on traditional costumes to pose for the photographers and the photographers are desperate to get those kind of photographs but at the same times it's incredibly shameful for nice girls to pose for photographers to their models to form of pornography so you have this contradiction conflict of interests so why are they here then they're here because they they've been asked to come here and it's in us to an extent it's an honor but also it's um they haven't got a great deal of choice attempts to broaden the loose ends appeal can border on the bizarre Miriam objects to outsiders like Tarzan here turning the Moose M into a carnival sideshow really Party co-leader Te do there's a certain original here what angers Miriam is that while her people are being written out of the nation's history books their traditions are being stage-managed for tourist dollars he also told me to say a few things about the keys on the museum NASA assists without before where a pump de foto por souvenir like a tourist socks on landfills and gender Merrick I'd love to have as many to see any money she would pay simply level ever having put in an appearance for a couple of hours the governor leaves unable to spare the time to talk about sensitive Amasya issues but Miriam has found like-minded militants who are driven to discuss exactly those issues what's the quality see de putte entourage vehicle on the pod squad seola medica shit info wiki let's do more hey clearly Stu I was gonna make your own ideas on Missy unlock kimchi spike I've noticed well I'm just bugger off yes excellent early mm super tip I laughing no no no fissile tea okay I'm Supergirl Fatima's Elam sees well why Sayid has recognized Miriam as a kindred spirit from the t-shirt she's wearing it's Amaziah lettering a symbol of militancy and regarded as subversive by the government a yummy lemon Miata Cola kiss your kool-aid area move with you is a circular make yeah pesky see passin me a fear Almora least OBC Merlot resolve it are we thank wait professor colonial Excel are what you Miriam and her friends are militants not revolutionaries but there's no way to pursue their cause through the ballot box in Morocco no political means to express their passion is on for Nepal Casa Ealing the policy nearly coal come on really want pity Jackson enough oh I won don't hear Lockridge oh please I'll try the do Pasiphae no don't poop on a levy a low-key las a pop alone we know creamy little tease me see necessary while insiders argue the politics and Outsiders soak up the atmosphere there is still traditional business afoot the matter of love and marriage young women have a say in who they marry and can demand divorce and later remarry or without social stigma it's the romance of course that attracts the tourists but Miriam rejects the portrayal of the museum as some sort of North African love fest lawless Paki DeLuca's Anselmo papa valle Bhatia response pocket over to sue scenario doozy I'm a super seen fan comes reinforced in vash no secede yah-yah-yah Amasya women are by upbringing timid in public so one can only speculate on their thoughts on this their official government approved wedding day they also empty surplus aleikum li tournament on plus what should be a dignified joyous event becomes a publicity zoo I think they could have been dying of shame beerus i think it must be horrible it's nice to be a spectator but at the same time you've got to bear in mind that you know the real people want to come and see it you know their family and friends they're all stuck behind the barrier and because we've got press cards you know we're tourists and Ministry of Tourism wants us to come here we get access to it a lot lighter succumb to her la la la la emma yellow deal smack the press unfortunately with encouragement from the tourists authorities sells stories built on extraordinary myths about a michelle i've read you can buy a bride for a mere three bags of sugar such distortions outraged Miriam and her friends second sociaty kia tanto say Thomas matriarchal comdataís axilla funky como de la mesa we see la funky feet o we sell associativity big como es posible q-tip irrelevant differ ESCA who was a very deformed Cervantes you zayeed wants to strip away the myths and takes us to a nearby village to meet one of today's bridegroom's and to better understand Amaziah problems Vienna Colosseum oh yeah video junkie one telecon wait talking simple hazel weight-loss senior Lance Ito elegant original AHA Buffon wait in v.i.c in the Pahlavi the communique particles oh darling system this was actual see Kira and predictor onto a long signal alone city to high school the discipline yep yep it seems only one in five children here go to school at all those who do learn in Arabic and because of Morocco's colonial history in French what they learn about their own identity they do so in their own home when we meet the bridegroom from the Moose M he takes us to his village has the sames bride is too bashful to meet strangers his mother by contrast is simply annoyed put out more by us filming the state of her courtyard and her animals then by our unexpected arrival.

like all am Isaiah Hussein's real wedding will actually take place in the village but he had to go to the marriage festival because it's the only time of year to get the obligatory government marriage certificate nobody went oh good far from buying his bride Hussein says he'll give her 200 hard-earned dollars for her wedding gift but he's annoyed of forking out another $30 for a certificate that's meaningless in Amasya society and he can't read it anyway .
 At nighttime with government officials gone the local tribes regained possession of their festival almost the tourists remain of course to enjoy the ambience and the trinket sellers will their city folk here to turn a buck Dan when we stop into a tent to while away the evening we find out it's not Amazon music at all there an Arab group invited by the government to perform at this Amaziah festival later I asked Miriam if she's been saddened by what she saw at emmechelle Viscusi chose llamo cat vivendi naproxen quelque chose de Serres oh no somos OD so Sandy's dumas as fast as on second tahoe County Piazza come listen dia de Mirek in the morning the tourists leave with their trinkets and their memories the Ummah Zia go home to home to the mountains to wait for the long cold winter ahead you.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

Culture Of Morocco

the Sahara Desert one of the harshest climates in the world a huge expense of unforgiving rock scrub and sand the size of you to me it looks like a place of nothingness but it was from here that a group of desert nomads came to transform the northwest corner of Africa into a vast empire that stretched from the Sahara to Spain what started with one man's mission grew into a kingdom which lasted for centuries its rulers generated tremendous wealth created great architecture and promoted sophisticated ideas in an ordered society they were called the bourbon and they changed this part of Africa forever we know less about Africa's past than almost anywhere else on earth but the scarcity of written records doesn't mean Africa lacks history it's found in artifacts culture and traditions of the people in this series I'm exploring some of the rich

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Morocco - Exploring the Culture and Beauty of Morocco

Bordering the Atlantic Coast and Mediterranean, bound by outstretching coastline, roaring canyons and a hint of the Sahara Desert, there are spoils of contrasting landscapes to explore in Morocco. Here are the ultimate reasons why Morocco is a great place for everyone.  1. Old imperial cities with plenty of history and character.  Morocco has four imperial cities: Marrakesh, Fez, Meknes, and Rabat. Rabat is the current capital city. Although a modern city at first glance, it has several interesting historical attractions, such as the Kasbah of the Oudaias, the old medina, and the Hassan Tower. The former capital of Fez boasts plenty of stunning architecture, though it is perhaps most known for its large tanneries and for being home to one of the oldest universities in the world. Meknes has one of the most impressive monumental gates in all of Morocco, Bab el-Mansour. Horse drawn carriages are a great way to explore the charming and relaxed imperial city.  2. Gorgeous