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عرض المشاركات من مارس, ٢٠١٩

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Morocco - Exploring the Culture and Beauty of Morocco

Bordering the Atlantic Coast and Mediterranean, bound by outstretching coastline, roaring canyons and a hint of the Sahara Desert, there are spoils of contrasting landscapes to explore in Morocco. Here are the ultimate reasons why Morocco is a great place for everyone.  1. Old imperial cities with plenty of history and character.  Morocco has four imperial cities: Marrakesh, Fez, Meknes, and Rabat. Rabat is the current capital city. Although a modern city at first glance, it has several interesting historical attractions, such as the Kasbah of the Oudaias, the old medina, and the Hassan Tower. The former capital of Fez boasts plenty of stunning architecture, though it is perhaps most known for its large tanneries and for being home to one of the oldest universities in the world. Meknes has one of the most impressive monumental gates in all of Morocco, Bab el-Mansour. Horse drawn carriages are a great way to explore the charming and relaxed imperial city.  2. Gorgeous

The Persecution of Moroccan Berbers

Wow which gained him yet gained him she opening out the man having the living daylights beaten out of him he's a Berber a native of Morocco his assailant is an Arab his ancestors conquered the Berbers thirteen hundred years ago they're acting out an ancient conflict but there are those who'll tell you the argument between Berber and Arab has never changed . In Morocco even the very name Berber is a controversial one for militants like Miriam the word Berber is a term that sums up the contemptuous treatment of her people by conquerors as far back as the Romans removal their music non parlo video de la folie if the Deaf Savannah's tamaki Andrew Judd raike Oklahoma you see on two TVs a coolie conceived Jesus from the Bell bell equal is an opportunist who formed the bar bar SAT mocking exists apart no not Rolando yeah noonim is a pro

Culture in Morroco

Due to its geographical situation, its centuries-old history and its tradition of opening Morocco has always been a land of meeting and brewing of rich and diversified culture. This brewing to endow the country with an exceptional cultural heritage by its diversity its abundance and the chronological extent and that it covers the plural culture of the country is reflected in the diversity of languages ​​the multiplicity of traditions is the multitude of artistic expressions the discovery of the first traces of the presence of prehistoric men plunges the roots of Morocco in the history of humanity many testimonies of a human presence going back a million years were collected in the region of Casablanca especially in the careers of sidi abdallah ahmed Morocco is also rich in rock engravings which covers all the domain a classic pre-Saharan and Saharan region of the ancient period Morocco inherited invaluable heritage masterpieces that are found particularly in the tamus and lixu

Culture Of Morocco

the Sahara Desert one of the harshest climates in the world a huge expense of unforgiving rock scrub and sand the size of you to me it looks like a place of nothingness but it was from here that a group of desert nomads came to transform the northwest corner of Africa into a vast empire that stretched from the Sahara to Spain what started with one man's mission grew into a kingdom which lasted for centuries its rulers generated tremendous wealth created great architecture and promoted sophisticated ideas in an ordered society they were called the bourbon and they changed this part of Africa forever we know less about Africa's past than almost anywhere else on earth but the scarcity of written records doesn't mean Africa lacks history it's found in artifacts culture and traditions of the people in this series I'm exploring some of the rich